AMLRCS have an own CBSE affiliated school (Amenity Public School). It's a rare combination of sports and education under single roof.
Amenity Public School is a pioneer co-educational English medium Senior Secondary School located at 6 KM Milestone, Kashipur Road, Rudrapur (U. S. Nagar) founded on 20th Feb, 2004.
The school is governed by the rules, regulations and curriculum of CBSE and is running under the aegis of the “M.B. Educational Society“.
The school aims at imparting quality education with its goals set on the all round personality development of students. The school is equipped with state of the art infrastructure for a full fledged Senior Secondary School. The school offers a spectrum of co-curricular activities through House system and activity clubs.
For more details please visit our academic website : www.amenityschool.in