Mr. Subhash Arora
Cricket is a religion in our country, every youngster wants to play professional cricket whether its IPL, First Class Cricket or Junior Cricket from there state, country or liked franchise. The Amenity Madan Lal Residential Cricket School is a place were we nurture young talent and prepare them for the tough battle which lies in from of them. We train the players at the school to become complete cricketers and having broader vision for their cricketing career.
So let me welcome you all to one of the best cricketing school in the country, were under one roof you get the skills and knowledge from the best professionals at the game of cricket along with teachers from the school who help you get what is utmost important EDUCATION.
We welcome all parents & students to AMLRCS.
Message from Mr. Madan Lal
We welcome you all to AMLRCS, hope your time here along with the coaches is really fruitful and you make the most of top class facilities provided to you . I would only like to send one message across to all parents and students at the school, do what you are here to do WORK HARD, PLAY HARD, LISTEN TO YOU COACHES, COMMUNICATE WITH THEM & LAST BUT NOT THE LEAST STUDY hard as education will stay with you even after you have played this beautiful game.
Welcome to AMLRCS Family !!! All the Very Best!!!